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Hello and thank you for taking enough interest in me to check out my web page.
My name is Quo'Vadis Thomas, but everyone calls me QV.
I am a mom to a bright sweet 12 year old lady on the spectrum living out her wild dream.
I am an apostle. I've been in ministry for over 25 years. My ministry is Bodies that Prophesy Ministries. I am also an associate minister at Church WIthout Walls- Carrollton in Carrollton, GA.
I am a serial entrepreneur. I am a caterer and private chef most of the time. I also make jewelry, candles, body scrubs, facial and body cleansers, and do massages and facials.
I write books.
I am an speducator and advocate in metro Atlanta.
In all of that, I also offer administrative and clerical help to others.
Simply put, I'm really just the jack of all trades
See my hidden gem article on Voyage ATL: